Ysgol Gynradd
Cwrt Rawlin
Primary School
Address: Cae Meillion, Caerphilly, CF83 1SN
Email: CwrtRawlinPrimary@sch.caerphilly.gov.uk
Telephone: 02920 807070
Headteacher: Miss C Evans BAHons NPQH


Useful Learning Resources

PE - Wednesday and Thursday.​​​​
Spellings - Handed out on a Monday, with spelling challenges take place on the following Monday.
Homework - TEAMS assignment set fortnightly on a Friday, to be returned by the following Wednesday.
Reading Books - Books changed as required. Children on stage reading books will read with an adult at least once per fortnight, in addition to daily whole class reading sessions.
Croeso i Ddosbarth 5M
Class 5M Spring Term 2025

What A Day To Be Me!
Our theme this term is ‘What a day to be me!’
We will focus our topic on the core value of kindness, fairness and acceptance.
In the kindness section, we will be writing kindness themed poetry and take inspiration from ‘Rhiannon Art’ to illustrate our poems. We will display our poetry and artwork in Caerphilly Library. We will also look at how children were evacuated to safety during WW2 and the kindness shown by host families.
In the fairness section, we will focus on fast fashion and how, in some countries, workers are exploited for cheap labour. We will consider how the raw materials of fashion are found/produced and how we can make more sustainable buying choices. We will write persuasive letters to encourage the industry to fairly support their workers and ensure safe working conditions.
In the acceptance section, we will focus on the Windrush generation, and their contribution to rebuilding Britain post war. We will think about whether this generation has been treated fairly by the British Government. We will write a newspaper article to show the significant contribution of the Windrush generation.

In line with the new 'Curriculum for Wales', ‘pupil voice’ is stronger than ever. The children have generated lots of fun and exciting ideas they would like to explore through all 6 of the Areas of Learning Experience.
Our Cwrt Rawlin Curriculum is developing with the children at its heart. It is based on the 4 purposes and interweaves all 6 areas of Learning and Experiences into purposeful learning opportunities. Our learning pedagogy is based upon the 12 Pedagogical Principles, which forms the platform from which we are then able to apply a wide range of ways to develop skills within authentic learning opportunities. We aim to encompass a wide range of opportunities to develop the cross curricular skills of Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Competence.
Immersion days at the start of the term are followed by celebration days at the end of term, to showcase the learning that has taken place.