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Our School: Attendance

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Callio-Every Lesson Counts, Every School Day Counts!


The school has adopted the Callio approach to improving attendance. The register is taken each morning and afternoon. If your child is ill and unable to attend school, we ask you to inform the office as early as possible on the first day of sickness and then again after the third day if he/she is still unable to attend school. We operate a first day response, if we receive no reason for an absence.


We set high attendance targets and aim to inform parents of their child's attendance each term through issuing attendance certificates. A positive reinforcement of the importance of being in school is given by the Headteacher each week in achievement assembly, where the best attending class will receive a certificate. The class achieving the best attendance over the year will receive a class reward.


The Governors review the attendance policy on an annual basis.



The chart opposite shows both authorised and unauthorised absences for the last school year (2023-2024) as a percentage of possible attendances.


Unauthorised absences at Cwrt Rawlin primary fall into two main categories:

  1. Failure of informing the school of an absence for illness.

  2. Holidays in excess of current agreed guidelines.




Authorised Absence

Unauthorised Absence

Possible Attendance















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