Ysgol Gynradd
Cwrt Rawlin
Primary School
Address: Cae Meillion, Caerphilly, CF83 1SN
Email: CwrtRawlinPrimary@sch.caerphilly.gov.uk
Telephone: 02920 807070
Headteacher: Miss C Evans BAHons NPQH

Class: Reception/1 D

Useful Learning Resources

Outdoor P.E. - Friday
Indoor P.E. - Wednesday
Forest School - Wednesday
Spellings (Year 1) - Handed out on Monday, to be tested the following Monday
Homework -
Year 1 - Set via Teams every other Friday, to be submitted electronically on the following Friday.
Reception - Handed out every other Friday via homework books, to be returned the following Friday.
Reading Books - Please ensure reading books are in book bags every day
Library Session - Tuesday
Croeso i Ddosbarth R/1 D
'Super Duper Me!'

Our topic for this term is 'Super Duper Me!' based on our whole School topic of 'Express Yourself!'. The topic will be explored through various learning experiences linked to our curriculum. We will begin the term by making sure all the children are feeling happy and settled back in the Reception environment after the Christmas holidays. We will introduce our topic by talking to the children and finding out how they express themselves both in and outside of School. Through different texts and learning opportunities we will introduce the children to lots of different ways they can express themselves from performing on stage to talking about their feelings. In the second half of the term, the children will plan and organise a talent show alongside the Nursery classes. This will be performed in our School hall and will showcase all the children's talents.
All children will have maximum input into ideas and things they would like to explore and learn about. Therefore, stories and texts we explore will depend upon areas and ideas generated by the children. Further information about stories & texts and activities the children will be involved in, will be highlighted on weekly newsletters.​
Our Cwrt Rawlin Curriculum is developing with the children at its heart. It is based on the 4 purposes and interweaves all 6 Areas of Learning and Experiences into purposeful learning opportunities. Our learning pedagogy is based upon the 12 Pedagogical Principles, which forms the platform from which we are then able to apply a wide range of ways to develop skills within authentic learning opportunities. We aim to encompass a wide range of opportunities to develop the cross curricular skills of Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Competence.
Immersion days at the start of the term are followed by celebration days at the end of term, to showcase the learning that has taken place.​Download our Autumn Term Curriculum Map here