Tel: 02920 807070 | Email:
Cwrt Rawlin Primary School
Headteacher: Mrs T Lloyd BEd Hons NPQH
Parents: Calendar
02.09.24 INSET day
03.09.24 INSET day
04.09.24 First day back to School
06.09.24 New playground opening (10am)
13.09.24 Roald Dahl day ( dress up as your favourite character)
23.09.24 Junior Ensemble workshops
24.09.24 Anti racism workshops ( Y5 &6)
26.09.24 Y6 Bushcraft in Bridgend
27.09.24 9.30 MacMilan Coffee morning & School Council presentation
Class 5/6W Bushcraft Bridgend
30.09.24 Class 5M Bushcraft Bridgend
07.10.24-08.10.24 Year 5 to Storey Arms
09.10.24 Parent Teacher consultations (1)
10.10.24 World Mental Health Day
15.10.24 Shwmae day
Bumblewood project
16.10.24 Parent Teacher consultation (2)
24.10.24 PTA discos
25.10.24 Last day of half term
HALF TERM: 28.10.24-31.10.24