Ysgol Gynradd
Cwrt Rawlin
Primary School
Address: Cae Meillion, Caerphilly, CF83 1SN
Email: CwrtRawlinPrimary@sch.caerphilly.gov.uk
Telephone: 02920 807070
Headteacher: Miss C Evans BAHons NPQH
Our School: An Active Journeys School
Cwrt Rawlin is an Actives Journey’s School in association with Sustrans.
We have been an Active Journeys school since 2016.
We are now working towards achieving our Gold School Mark Accreditation Award.
Over the next few years we will be working to promote walking, scooting and cycling to school in the following ways:
By making sure school has the facilities needed by young people who want to walk, scoot or cycle to school, including secure storage facilities.
By working with the local training providers to help young people to travel safely and feel more confident making journeys by foot, scooter and bicycle.
By organising promotional activities and events to encourage young people to travel actively to school.
By encouraging local shops, clubs and other organisations to support the programme.
By involving parents so that they can help support the school and young people with active travel events and activities.
Our Silver School Mark Award
On Monday 28th January 2019, Cwrt Rawlin was awarded with their Silver School Mark Accreditation Award. We are so pleased to receive an award to commend all the hard work we have put in to our Active Journeys Program.
2019 UPDATE: Our Progress and Latest Statistics
We took a baseline assessment three years ago that showed that nearly half of us came to school via car. However, our most recent results show that the amount of people travelling actively to school has risen by 14.3%. How amazing!
The BIG Pedal
Monday 25th March – Friday 5th April 2019
Sustrans and funded by the Bike Hub, the 2019 challenge will encourage pupils to increase the amount the cycle and scooter to school. The Big Pedal is the UK’s largest inter-school cycling and scooting challenge that inspires pupils, staff and parents to choose two wheels for their journey to school.
This year our theme is 'The Human Body'. We will be looking to link our Active Journeys Event to a two week classroom project about keeping physically, emotionally and mentally fit and healthy through exercise. We have lots of exciting things planned for the project, including a Smoothie Bike event!